(Could also be that the PS3 scene is shit, and everyone pirates instead of ripping backups so they never encountered this issue).

I imagine that in the past this was quiet a big issue in the scene, but the lack of info on this either means I'm wrong about the pre and post 4.21 eboots, or that the issue was fixed along the way. I have been able to find opoisso patched eboots for the EU and US version of the games, but nothing on the Japanese version beyond adware chinese piracy sites which is not help really. I assume that the reason the discs still run is due to a different safety check between HDD launch and BD launch. If this is true then the games having 3.66 base firmware and 4.20 update firmware would make sense that the game wont boot from a HDD due to nuked eboots.

I think from what I have read that SONY nuked some eboot files for older games on firmware prior to 4.21. I would appreciate if anyone would know whats going on. After downloading the updates for both games the backup loaders stop spitting out full errors and fail on black screen instead. I have tried everything, I have checked the psarcs to see they are joined, checked the param.sfo to check the resolutions are compatible, I have told Irisman, Managunz, sonicmanager etc to all try and patch the eboot and re-sign, but to no avail. My PS3 is on rebug 4.81, I have been trying to get ICO - and Shadow of the Colossus - to work on my PS3.